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Halewood Church of England Primary School home page

Halewood Church of England
Primary School

Halewood University

Halewood University


We have developed a whole school programme for extra-curricular study called Halewood University. The programme provides opportunities for children to develop new interests, hobbies and skills, and helps children to develop key life skills. Pre-Covid, we had over 90% of children taking part in the programme.


We are really excited to be re-launching Halewood University this year. We are excited to be able to offer this to all children across Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.


How Halewood University works


Each year, children will work towards earning 30 credits This will be done in the following way:


1 module                          (10 credits – 2 credits per session)

1 project                           (10 credits)

1 community effort           (10 credits)


Each module, project or community work is worth 10 credits. Credits will be carried over each year as children progress in their degrees.


All children will be working towards their Bronze Degree this year.


To graduate, children need to earn between 24 and 30 credits.




Each module will be 5 sessions and children can sign up to one of these. 


We endeavour to offer a variety of clubs to our children, and these will change and vary each year. We hope that there will be something on offer that every child will enjoy.




A project is an independent piece of work that is undertaken at home. This can be completed during Summer 1. 


Children will present these in class, or to another class, to showcase what they have been researching and creating.


To celebrate the work of the children, these will be displayed for all to see and explore at our graduation ceremony in the Summer Term. 


Community Effort (SUMMER TERM)


To gain these credits, the children need to do something that makes a positive difference in our local community. This can be a litter pick, some charity work, supporting a neighbour - the possibilities are endless.


Graduation (SUMMER TERM)


All children who complete the programme and earn enough credits will graduate. This year, all children will be working towards their bronze degree.


As children continue to take part in Halewood University, they will earn their other degrees.


We celebrate this with certificates and a fantastic graduation ceremony – caps, gowns and all!


1st Year – Bronze Degree

2nd Year – Silver Degree

3rd Year – Gold Degree

4th Year – Bachelor’s degree

5th Year – Master’s Degree

6th Year – Doctorate


Clubs available this year


Year 1, 2, 3



Club 1: Craft Club - Wednesday

Club 2: Lego Club Friday

Club 3: Dancemania –Wednesday

Club 4: French Fete - Thursday


Year 4, 5, 6



Club 1: Gardening - Friday

Club 2: Musical Theatre  - Wednesday

Club 3: Art Club - Wednesday

Club 4: App Design - Wednesday

Halewood Church of England Primary School logo

Contact Us

Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
