Intent of our PSHE Curriculum
- For children to have a good sense of self and others around them.
- For all children to be aware and understand how to look after their own health and wellbeing.
- For all children to be aware and have a good understanding of global issues.
- For all children to have good awareness to help make informed choices.
- For children to be able to share how they are feeling, their views and questions in a safe environment.
- For children to gain experiences through visitors and workshops of relationships, economic well-being and health and well-being.
- For all children to be good citizens and aware of British Values.
- For all children to know about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, healthy relationships and sexual health.
- For children to be able to name parts of the body and describe how their body works.
- For children to be prepared for puberty. (UKS2)
- For all children to develop their self-esteem and sense of responsibility.
- For children to know how to seek help and how to respond in an emergency.