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Halewood Church of England Primary School home page

Halewood Church of England
Primary School

School Times

The children can arrive at school from 8.35am when the gate will be opened. Reception, Year 5 and Year 6 children go in through the external classroom door and children in Years 1 to 4 go in via the playground gate. A member of staff will be on the gate to welcome the children and parents and carers leave the children to walk into their classrooms independently. We encourage punctuality to instil good attitudes in the children and to ensure a prompt start to lessons.  During morning break, children are invited to bring fruit as a snack (no sweets or biscuits).


School Office Hours




15 hours Universal : 8.30 am  - 11.30 am 

30 hours :   8.30 am - 2.30 pm (packed lunch to be provided)

We have various wraparound care options available including breakfast and after school clubs.


Reception to Year 6

8.40am:            Start of the school day

Mid-Morning:    15 minute break 

12.00pm:          Lunchtime (Reception and Key Stage 1 Children)

12.15pm:          Lunchtime (Key Stage 2 Children)

1.00pm:            Start of afternoon school

3.10pm:            End of afternoon school

(Breakfast & after school clubs are available - look in our "Parents - School Clubs" section for information - right click on the internal link below to open in a new tab)


Collective Worship

Monday - Friday:  10.25-10.45am




Halewood Church of England Primary School logo

Contact Us

Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
