Implementation of our Physical Education Curriculum
- A carefully sequenced long-term physical educational curriculum plan that covers a variety of sports over a child’s time at school.
- Our Physical Education curriculum has built in fitness weeks to encourage fitness activity and healthy living.
- A variety of sports are covered to engage children in a wide variety of different sporting activities.
- After school clubs provide a wide range of sporting experiences for all children.
- Physical education specialists are deployed to enhance our curriculum.
- Equipment is reviewed each year and any needed equipment is purchased.
- An appropriately competitive spirit is embedded in all children during lessons and extra curricular training sessions.
- Both A team and B team competitions are organised so that all children get the chance to compete for and represent their school.
- Both sporting achievements and sporting efforts are celebrated as a whole school.
- Teamwork, perseverance, forgiveness and other soft skills are encouraged across the school during curriculum lessons and after school clubs.
- A specific soft-skills focused club, delivered by an external company, is a key part of the enhancement of our physical education curriculum, delivering an after school club each week and a collective worship each half term.
- Friendship, thankfulness and forgiveness, our three core Christian values, are encouraged in both curriculum and after school sessions through team building activities, team games and personal best lessons.
- High-level vocabulary lists are given out to all staff and to specialist staff for use in lessons.
- A number of external sporting specialists deployed to enhance the curriculum and inspire the children.