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Halewood Church of England Primary School home page

Halewood Church of England
Primary School

Headteacher's Welcome


At Halewood Church of England Primary School, our Christin vision and values are central to everything we do. Our Christian vision, Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it, shapes every decision, every policy and every action we take as a school.

Our 6 Christian values permeate across school and shape how we behave towards one another: friendship, forgiveness, hope, thankfulness, perseverance and responsibility. We learn about these values every day through the messages of the Bible. We teach children the importance of loving their neighbour as God loves us; this is something that all staff model to children every day. We aspire for all our children to leave Halewood C of E with our Christian values at the core of who they are, so that they can make a positive difference to world.

We believe that all children should enjoy coming to school and feel excited about learning. We believe that every child is unique and every child has their own God-given talents, gifts, character and abilities – all of which should be nurtured and celebrated. It is our job as educators and parents/carers to work in partnership to ensure that the children we care for receive the very best possible start in life to enable them to reach their potential.

We want to ensure that children receive the best possible education to enable them to reach their academic potential, but more importantly, learn from the example set by Jesus of living out Christian values in everything we do.

Excitingly, we are also part of a bigger Christian family too - the Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust. LDST is a family of schools that welcomes young people of all faiths and none, working together to provide an excellent education built on distinctly Christian values.(More information and a link to the Trust website can be found via the 'Our School' section of this webpage). 

I am sure that the information available on the website is helpful to you, but it cannot replace seeing things for yourself. Visits to the school are warmly welcomed; please come and see us any time.

God bless,


Mr David Catt



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Contact Us

Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
