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Halewood Church of England
Primary School


Implementation of our Maths Curriculum


  • Our coherently sequenced maths curriculum allows pupils to build on prior mathematical knowledge and make connections to their learning.
  • Our long-term plan is based on White Rose Maths which we have adapted to meet the needs of our children and to ensure core knowledge is sequenced coherently within and across year groups. 
  • Basic skills takes place every morning where children develop their mental strategies, consolidate prior learning and develop their understanding of any misconceptions identified in question level analysis and ongoing formative assessment. 
  • To ensure we meet the needs of all pupils in mathematics, we adapt and review our planning daily. We also use NCETM ready-to-progress criteria, Nrich, I see reasoning and I see problem solving to assist in our delivery of the mathematics curriculum.
  • The pedagogy of our teaching sequence is underpinned by a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach to learning.
  • Representations and structures allow pupils to make connections between their learning.
  • Teachers use variation to offer concepts in more than one way and to sequence learning, drawing attention to mathematical relationships.
  • High quality individual and whole class feedback is used to address misconceptions before moving onto new learning.
  • Pupils are given opportunities to reflect on their work and review their own progress.
  • Pupils are given opportunities to work in pairs, groups and independently.
  • Counting and teaching of year group specific times tables takes place at the beginning of every maths lesson.
  • Teachers’ model/demonstrate new concepts through images/manipulatives/use of ICT.
  • Pupils have access to practical equipment every lesson to develop and support their concrete conceptual understanding.
  • High-level vocabulary is modelled to pupils, displayed in classrooms and used regularly as a teaching point. Pupils are given opportunities to use vocabulary in a range of contexts.
  • Teachers encourage a growth mind set culture where children learn from their mistakes.
  • Open and probing questioning is used to deepen pupil's mathematical thinking.
  • Our calculation teaching sequence involves: estimation, practise of fluency questions, followed by reasoning and problem-solving activities.
  • Pupils are given opportunities to apply skills in a variety of contexts to deepen their problem solving and reasoning skills.
  • TTRockstars and Numbots are used as part of our online learning and celebrated to develop confidence with number fluency and times tables.
  • Real life maths links are made during lessons.
  • Basic maths facts are progressively sequenced and tracked across year groups. 
  • We are currently working closely with our local NCETM Maths hub to develop and embed teaching for mastery across our school. The five big ideas in teaching for mastery: 
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Contact Us

Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
