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Halewood Church of England Primary School home page

Halewood Church of England
Primary School

What it means to be a governor


The main functions of the Governing Body are to: 


  • Provide a Strategic View 
  • Act as a Critical Friend 
  • Ensure Accountability 


The Governing Body works in partnership with our Head Teacher, staff, parents, LDST central team, LDST Board of Directors, Local Authority and the Diocese towards the continuing improvement in standards and achievements at our school. 

As a body we meet regularly and our members are involved in committees that deal with the school’s finance and personnel, admissions, buildings, health and safety, curriculum and standards, policies and extended school provision. 

Our governors work to an agreed Code of Practice which sets out their duties and responsibilities in detail and which they agree to follow each year. 

A number of the governors are link governors which means they have a particular responsibility for an area of the curriculum and meet regularly with the subject leader. 

The governors are supportive of pupils with special educational needs and have appointed a link governor to monitor this very important work. 

All governors, especially those on the Curriculum and Standards committee receive regular reports on pupils’ progress, both from the school’s own assessments and national tests. Parents will receive regular information about each pupil’s progress. 


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Contact Us

Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
