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Halewood Church of England Primary School home page

Halewood Church of England
Primary School


Implementation of our EYFS curriculum


  • Curriculum planning incorporates seasonal, religious, cultural events and regularly stems from children’s interests.
  • The curriculum is broad and balanced and sufficiently challenging in order to prepare the children for the demands of the future National Curriculum, e.g. children in Reception are taught the models and images used in Year 1 for mathematics.  The curriculum is not restricted to the outcomes of Development Matters – we have written our own curriculum.
  • Read, Write Inc is used for the systematic teaching of phonics and early reading.
  • First reading books are RWI Ditties and Book bag readers.
  • Nursery children take home real stories to share with their parents.  Adults read to the children 1:1 during nursery sessions, modelling conventions of reading and print.
  • NCETM and White Rose Maths are referenced when planning a mastery curriculum for early maths.
  • We strive to immerse children in a wide variety of quality literature which motivates and evokes a love of reading (this may shape a topic).
  • School learning stories document the knowledge and vocabulary the children have learned.
  • Home learning stories provide information about knowledge and skills gained at home.
  • Hands on learning experiences and quality enhancements are used to bring the curriculum to life.
  • Critical thinking and problem solving are essential to learning across our curriculum.
  • Stories are linked to Christian values and taken from the Bible where appropriate. Children are given the opportunity to reflect on learning and relate their learning to Christian values. A weekly collective worship relating to the whole school takes place in Foundation Stage. Reception children attend Collective Worship with the rest of the school.
  • Our continuous provision is graded in order to allow all children to access it. 
  • Cause for concern forms and subsequent play plans are written to ensure children’s additional learning needs are identified and supported.
  • Constant repetition of new vocabulary and regular recall of facts and rehearsal of skills supports the children’s retention of knowledge.
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Contact Us

Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
