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Halewood Church of England
Primary School

Personal Development

12 Life Experiences of Halewood CE Primary School


We have carefully selected 12 Life Experiences that we feel are contextually important to our children in order to prepare them for the next part of their life journey when they leave Halewood CE Primary School. These experiences are built around our RAISE Curriculum Drivers of:


  • Economic Wellbeing
  • Equality
  • Environmental Awareness


The chosen experiences have been incorporated into our curriculum to enrich learning and enhance the children’s understanding of the world we live in. The children will complete these during their time at our school and will be able to keep a record within their own RAISE Folder.  



I will experience first hand a range of celebrations and festivals from other cultures. (Equality)

Year 1

I will take an active part in caring for our environment. (Environmental Awareness)

Year 2

I will take part in a charity event to raise money for my local community. (Economic Wellbeing)

I will grow my own vegetables. (Environmental Awareness)

Year 3

I will take part in a charity event to raise money for a Worldwide charity. (Economic Wellbeing)

I will organise and take part in a holiday challenge to implement change in my school or community.  (Environmental Awareness)

Year 4

I will visit the theatre. (Equality)

I will educate others around environmental issues.  (Environmental Awareness)

Year 5

I will plan an Anti-Bullying event. (Equality)

I will take part in a money management project. (Economic Wellbeing)

Year 6

I will take part in an enterprise project. (Economic Wellbeing)

I will visit a university. (Equality)


Broader Development Experiences


We seek to inspire pupils through a wide array of broader development experiences. These experiences not only enhance SMSC but also give children opportunities to build on prior learning, embed current learning and apply knowledge in different ways. They are timetabled across the year for each year group.


We want these experiences to be ones of awe and wonder that inspire the children to want to learn more, whilst providing experiences that provoke their intellectual curiosity.


Additional memorable and enriching experiences and opportunities


All children will have the opportunity to experience many of these during their years at Halewood CE School. They will encourage the children to be creative, inquisitive and explorative in preparation for a life of learning. We want to ensure that all children leave as well-rounded, kind and caring young people, living out Christian values.


  • Halewood University Programme – focusing on life skills and citizenship
  • A wide range of sporting opportunities/clubs for all children
  • Opportunities for all children to compete and represent the school
  • 3 Talk days per year for all year groups
  • School Choir visits and experiences
  • Mentoring opportunities – peer to peer and Year 6 mentors
  • Children leading in Collective Worship
  • Junior Leadership Team
  • A Team – Attendance Team
  • Aspirations Day – with visiting professionals inspiring around job opportunities
  • Bafta Bible Club
  • Picture News – current affairs and British Values
  • Visit different places of worship
  • World Faith Days
  • Child of Excellence – celebrating Christian values
  • Residential trip – Adventure and City Break
  • Fundraising opportunities throughout the year
  • Communicating with our sponsored child – Joel
  • Explore to Grow/use of outdoor environment
  • Perform on Stage
  • Speak in Church, read a prayer, do a Bible reading
  • Go Pond Dipping
  • Learn to swim
  • Meet an author
  • Play Leaders
  • Book Squad


We have provided further information relating to some of these experiences below.


Christian Values - Halewood Child of Excellence


Halewood Child of Excellence is based around Christian Values and each half term we have a new focus, eg forgiveness, responsibility.  At the end of each half term, children vote for two children from each class who have shown the greatest effort to meet these standards. 


“The Halewood Child of Excellence Award celebrates the way in which individual children demonstrate Christian values in their daily lives.” 





Autumn 1 – Friendship

Autumn 2 – Hope

Managing our feelings

Thinking about what we say

Including others

Being responsible

Jesus hope of the world


Planting hope

Hope for the future

Bringing hope to others

Spring 1 – Forgiveness

Spring 2 - Thankfulness

Saying sorry

Being forgiven

Taking the First Step

Starting again

Amazing Grace

Forgive our sins

Remembering to say thank you (Luke 17)

Saying Grace (Matthew 6:25-34)

Extravagant thanks (Luke 7)

Creation praise (Psalm 148)

Thanks in the Bible (Matthew 9:1-8)

Summer 1 – Responsibility

Summer 2 - Perseverance

What we say (James 3)

Using time wisely (Proverbs 6:6-8)

Managing our feelings (Matthew 21)

Using our gifts (Matthew 25)

Thinking about our family (Ruth 1)

Being responsible (Luke 2)

The truth

Finishing the job

To the end!

God’s love

Sticking with it


Collective Worship is based on ‘Christian Values for Life’ which are central to how we expect everyone to go about their life at our school.  Our SIAMS inspection confirms this is an outstanding aspect of life at Halewood CE Primary School.


Halewood University


We have developed a whole school programme for extra-curricular study called Halewood University. The programme provides opportunities for children to develop new interests, hobbies and skills, and helps children to develop key life skills. Pre-Covid, we had over 90% of children taking part in the programme.


We are really excited to be re-launching Halewood University this year. We are excited to be able to offer this to all children across Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.


How Halewood University works


Each year, children will work towards earning 30 credits This will be done in the following way:


1 module                          (10 credits – 2 credits per session)

1 project                           (10 credits)

1 community effort           (10 credits)


Each module, project or community work is worth 10 credits. Credits will be carried over each year as children progress in their degrees.


All children will be working towards their Bronze Degree this year.


To graduate, children need to earn between 24 and 30 credits.




Each module will be 5 sessions and children can sign up to one of these. 


We endeavour to offer a variety of clubs to our children, and these will change and vary each year. We hope that there will be something on offer that every child will enjoy.




A project is an independent piece of work that is undertaken at home. This can be completed during Summer 1. 


Children will present these in class, or to another class, to showcase what they have been researching and creating.


To celebrate the work of the children, these will be displayed for all to see and explore at our graduation ceremony in the Summer Term. 


Community Effort (SUMMER TERM)


To gain these credits, the children need to do something that makes a positive difference in our local community. This can be a litter pick, some charity work, supporting a neighbour - the possibilities are endless.


Graduation (SUMMER TERM)


All children who complete the programme and earn enough credits will graduate. This year, all children will be working towards their bronze degree.


As children continue to take part in Halewood University, they will earn their other degrees.


We celebrate this with certificates and a fantastic graduation ceremony – caps, gowns and all!


1st Year – Bronze Degree

2nd Year – Silver Degree

3rd Year – Gold Degree

4th Year – Bachelor’s degree

5th Year – Master’s Degree

6th Year – Doctorate


Clubs available this year


Year 1, 2, 3



Club 1: Craft Club - Wednesday

Club 2: Lego Club Friday

Club 3: Dancemania –Wednesday

Club 4: French Fete - Thursday


Year 4, 5, 6



Club 1: Gardening - Friday

Club 2: Musical Theatre  - Wednesday

Club 3: Art Club - Wednesday

Club 4: App Design - Wednesday


Grow to Learn: The Outdoor Learning Environment


At Halewood CE Primary School, we recognise the value and positive impact that outdoor learning can have on children’s physical, social and emotional development and have made a commitment, and significant investment, in this.  We ensure that use of our outdoor space is integral to school life and impacts on the education, health and wellbeing of all of our children.


Learning From The Natural Environment Our outdoor environment/provision enables us to teach all areas of the curriculum in a creative and fun way that will inspire and enthuse our children to be well-rounded, lifelong learners. The children can explore nature in a range of environments, including aquatic, woodland and wildflower, marsh, horticulture areas and a dry zone for nesting pollinators.


Gardening Allotments – Our ‘Grow to Learn’ allotment area consists of seven allotment plots and a greenhouse; small groups of children from across the whole school are taken each day to help with the running, cultivating and maintaining of this area. Activities involve: sewing seeds, potting on, weeding and maintaining beds, tying climbers and harvesting crops. Currently we are growing sweetcorn, onions, potatoes, runner beans, beetroot, cabbage, pumpkins, courgettes and tomatoes. Once harvested, these are shared with the whole school community. During these gardening sessions, much of the Science curriculum is covered through working discussions.


Pond dipping tanks – In addition to our natural pond area, we have recently installed four tanks, which allow for a class of children to safely pond dip together. The children helped to fit these with baskets, stocking them with a range of aquatic plants and linking the four tanks together with drain pipes to create a single body of water (and an amphibian ladder!).


Nature Trail Camera – This is self-operated and can record video or photos, night or day, in order to see what wildlife is around our school environment. These images are used as discussional points for the children and are also played on our large display screen within the school foyer.


Writing opportunities – Our rich, natural environment has allowed children to become immersed in writing experiences, particularly through the use of our ‘magical’ woodland area at the end of the school field. Once the children step through the ‘Explore to Learn’ gate, they are instantly transported to another place and can role-play, create settings and talk and walk through story plans and ideas.




Outdoor Development Project - A diverse use of our outdoor environment helps to further engage our children with learning and provides outstanding opportunities for them to develop critical life skills, including resilience, problem solving, teamwork, communication, cooperation and creativity.


Orienteering – With the introduction of satellite navigation, map reading seems to be a dying skill; however, we believe it to be really important. A ‘map maker’ was commissioned to create an orienteering course, utilising our outdoor environment. The activity was resourced with laminated, child-friendly maps and CPD was given to all staff.


Den Day – The annual National Den Day is an opportunity for our children to learn about the importance of shelter and think about others who are not as fortunate as themselves; in doing so they are able to develop their mathematical, scientific and technological skills.


The Book Nook – Reading for pleasure takes high priority within our school and we have many areas given over as designated reading spaces. Our ‘Book Nook’ is just one of these and provides a sheltered space for children to read during lunch times. It can also accommodate a full class, and teachers will often take their classes up for whole class reading sessions.



Outdoor Classroom Day – An immense amount of fun and learning takes place every year in May as part of this worldwide initiative to get children learning outside. During the day, all classes spend at least 50% of the day carrying out their learning in the fresh air, utilising every aspect of our outstanding outdoor environment.  Activities include: mathematics,  problem solving (using our Outdoor Problem Solving Cards), orienteering, physical activities, artwork, photography and much, much more ...



Foundation Stage Learning Lodge – Our children enjoy learning in the natural environment and we recognise that every change in the weather brings with it new learning opportunities. The Learning Lodge is a fully resourced space which allows the children to initiate their own activities and continue their learning independently.

Sports provision


At Halewood C of E Primary School we have developed an ethos where sport and physical activity are considered an integral part of school life; where all children’s sporting achievements and talents are celebrated and nurtured. We provide outstanding opportunities for physical activity and sport for all of our children, and we strive for all children to be life-long participants of sport.


A diverse range of sports clubs are on offer to pupils of all ages and abilities. In 2019-20, in the autumn term alone, 85% of KS2 attended extra-curricular sports clubs. We ensure that children have the opportunity to try new sports such as golf, orienteering, basketball, dance, hockey, gymnastics, circuit training, handball and fitness. We provide early morning cross country, swimming training and fitness clubs for various year groups throughout the year.

Leadership opportunities


Junior Leadership Team - our school JLT have driven community improvements including clothing recycling, safe parking and litter picks. The Junior Leadership Team are the voice of the children and organise projects that work with the school community and local community to drive improvements; they are also part of developing the strategic direction of the school.




Maths Champions - these children support other year groups with their times tables using games and activities each week.  They have a real desire to make a difference in our school.





Play Leaders - children help adults supervise the playground during morning and lunchtime break; they play with children who may have difficulty with social interaction to make sure everyone is included and no one is left out.


Writing Buddies - Our Writing Buddies have been coached to enable them to support younger children with their writing - in particular with the editing process. Each week they meet with their buddy, support them with editing a piece of writing and set them a target for the week ahead.





Eco Warriors - Our Eco Warriors are ambassadors for environmental awareness. Part of their role is to help the school to conserve energy, support recycling awareness and ensure that their peers know how they can make a difference .



Halewood CE as part of the community

Children who attend Halewood CE Primary School become part of the Halewood community. As such, they are invited to represent our school at a number of annual community events including (but by no means limited) to the Choir taking centre stage with other local choirs at the annual Carol Service - accompanied by the brass section of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.  Our children gain a sense of pride and achievement in representing our school in such prestigious community events.




Educational Experiences - School Trips

Each year the children have the opportunity to take part in a class trip. Class trips are an important way to bring learning to life for children. These are always linked to the curriculum that your child is following. The trips are carefully planned to ensure maximum safety whilst also being fun and interactive.  We also have a Year 5 residential trip to Robinwood which has always been a big hit with our children.


Our pupils have a positive attitude and know how to behave.  Here is an e-mail to school from a member of the public that exemplifies what it is that makes a Halewood CE pupil - how lovely to be noticed for such positive behaviour and for someone to take the time to tell us about their experience:


"On Tuesday of this week I went to Liverpool museum.  My entry time was 10am just after your class.  I am writing to say your pupils were well behaved and very attentive. Your teacher(s) in charge are a credit not only to the school but to their profession. Reading a lot of the signage and explaining sometimes difficult subjects with clear precise understanding in an engaging attitude. No child could be described as unruly, bored or unaware of fellow viewers.  In fact their quiet enthusiasm added a little more to the already rewarding experience of the morning.  If it wasn't for the fact they were wearing bright yellow jackets most of the time you couldn't tell they were there. An example that I and some other adult viewers could well learn from.

Whatever you teach at your school, please carry on.  No need to reply to this but please inform those who were involved my pleasure that I shared the exhibition with them .

p.s. To the pupil who said to the teacher " I'm crying for some reason " I felt a little the same.   Some of these children will remember times like these for the rest of their lives."

Aspirations Day


Every year at Halewood CE Primary School we run a whole school Aspirations Day. We invite 12 adults into school from a wide range of careers (photographers, estate agents, chefs, police officers etc.). The children spend the day moving around the school learning about the different career paths. The day is always a huge success and children come away with a greater understanding of the wide variety of career options available to them and what it takes to be successful. This initiative has been successfully running for over 15 years. Year-on-year we ensure we invite 12 different career options to previous years, ensuring all children experience a wide variety of career options during their time at Halewood CE.


The children are invited to write to the adults involved, letting them know what they learnt from the day and to ask more questions around their careers.  It is lovely when the adults write back with some answers and more information - the children relish this interaction.



Economic Wellbeing – We have built economic wellbeing into our curriculum across all year groups. Children learn about many different topics, including saving, spending, bank accounts, tax, debt and many more. We also invite local accountants into school to speak to our children. Children from as young as Reception are becoming more aware of the importance of financial literacy, both in our lives and in running a business.


When our children are ready to leave Halewood CE Primary School, they have, over the years they have been at our school, built up the skills and confidence to take part in our Year 6 Enterprise Project.


Year 6 Enterprise Project –  The project involves the children completing modules, where they learn about entrepreneurs around the world. From the skill-set required to be a successful entrepreneur, to the ethics behind successful businesses worldwide, we feel that our children gain a greater understanding of what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Children study world-wide successful businesses and the journey they have taken from start up to present day. We also focus on businesses in developing countries. The children have to organise weekly spends, pay wages to staff and deal with problems such as illness and bad weather. 



Following on from the study modules, our children then get into teams and start to plan their own business ideas. Team meetings, pitches and presentations take place and 2 winning businesses are chosen by the school. Our school then makes a cash investment of £30 into each winning business and the children have 3-weeks to turn this investment into profit. 


We have found this programme to be inspiring, exciting and instrumental in giving the whole school an understanding of how businesses work. Innovation, creativity and resilience are some of the many skills that children develop through this project.  We plan to continue to invest in a range of businesses around the world, all chosen by our pupils.


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Contact Us

Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
