Implementation of our PSHE Curriculum
- A carefully sequenced PSHE and RSE curriculum ensures children are experiencing all three themes: Relationships, Economic well-being and Health and well-being.
- Our PSHE curriculum is built around the PSHE and Safeguarding Curriculum Map.
- Topics have been sequenced based on the needs of the age group, linking to key dates where possible.
- Children have the opportunity to listen to and work with outside companies and external visitors from key job roles, planned and booked in at the beginning of the year.
- Our PSHE and RSE long term plan also ensures a consistent approach, as all year groups concentrate on the same theme.
- PSHE scrap books allow for the sharing of class discussions.
- Picture News has been timetabled efficiently and is taught weekly throughout the school. Children and staff are discussing relevant and current global issues.
- Picture News is also part of our whole school collective worship, linked to British Values and our school Christian Values.
- Children are developing their confidence to talk, share and present to others.
- Carefully planned PSHE time provides the opportunity for children to discuss and share their own views and opinions, helping children to make informed choices.
- Key skills life skills are taught and addressed such as healthy eating, online safety, road safety, personal hygiene, environment and relationships.
- Key attitudes are encouraged throughout learning and when learning about others and themselves.
- PSHE lessons link to 3 R’s.
- PSHE is delivered throughout the whole school from EYFS to Year Six.
- PSHE is a subject that lends itself easily to equal opportunities and children with special needs are catered for by the adaptation of the work when necessary, to ensure full participation. Reference may also be made to the Equal Opportunities and Special Needs policies. Teaching is sensitive to the individual circumstances of children in the class.