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Halewood Church of England Primary School home page

Halewood Church of England
Primary School


Implementation of our writing curriculum


  • There is a key focus on the ‘Immerse, Analyse, Write’ teaching sequence. Children have opportunities to practise the key skills whilst building the understanding and knowledge to apply these skills across a range of genres.
  • A carefully planned long-term writing curriculum.
  • Teaching of spelling is high profile and children are encouraged to use dictionaries to aid with the spelling of more difficult words.
  • Children are immersed in a vocabulary rich culture and environment.
  • A variety of stimuli are used to engage and enthuse children with written tasks including well-chosen texts, video, image and real life experiences.
  • Opportunities are provided for children to collaborate as writers, thinkers and learners, with great emphasis on talking and discussion.
  • Staff model the writing process through guided and shared writing sessions to show the children how to craft their writing.
  • Staff check children’s understanding systematically, identify misconceptions accurately and provide clear, direct feedback.
  • Children are given targeted and timely feedback during the writing process.
  • Editing sessions and peer support take place regularly.
  • Success Criteria (Learning Ladders) and Writing Next Steps are used to help children to understand expectations.
  • On completion of a piece of writing, self/peer/teacher assessment (‘Two stars and a wish/next step) takes place.
  • Writing opportunities are given across the curriculum with a consistency of expectation.
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Contact Us

Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
