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Halewood Church of England
Primary School

RAISE Enrichment Opportunities

Cultural Capital and Broader Experiences at Halewood C of E


Retention – Application – Inspiration – Success for Everyone


Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it.
                                                                                               Proverbs 22:6


At Halewood C of E, we view Cultural Capital as the characteristics, knowledge and skills that promote social mobility, both now and in the future.


12 Life Experiences of Halewood C of E


We have carefully selected 12 Life Experiences that we feel are contextually important to our children in order to prepare them for the next part of their life journey when they leave Halewood C of E. These experiences are built around our RAISE Curriculum Drivers of Economic Wellbeing, Equality and Environmental Awareness.  The chosen experiences have been incorporated into our curriculum to enrich learning and enhance the children’s understanding of the world we live in. The children will complete these during their time at our school and will be able to keep a record within their own RAISE Folder.




I will experience first hand a range of celebrations and festivals from other cultures. (Equality)

Year 1

I will take an active part in caring for our environment. (Environmental Awareness)

Year 2

I will take part in a charity event to raise money for my local community. (Economic Wellbeing)

I will grow my own vegetables. (Environmental Awareness)

Year 3

I will take part in a charity event to raise money for a Worldwide charity.

(Economic Wellbeing)

I will organise and take part in a holiday challenge to implement change in my school or community. (Environmental Awareness)

Year 4

I will visit the theatre. (Equality)

I will educate others around environmental issues. (Environmental Awareness)

Year 5

I will plan an Anti-Bullying event. (Equality)

I will take part in a money management project. (Economic Wellbeing)

Year 6

I will take part in an enterprise project. (Economic Wellbeing)

I will visit a university. (Equality)


Broader Development Experiences


Our RAISE curriculum seeks to inspire pupils through a wide array of broader development experiences. These experiences not only enhance SMSC but also give children opportunities to build on prior learning, embed current learning and apply knowledge in different ways. They are timetabled across the year for each year group. We want these experiences to be ones of awe and wonder that inspire the children to want to learn more, whilst providing experiences that provoke their intellectual curiosity.

Additional Memorable and Enriching Experiences and Opportunities


All children will have the opportunity to experience many of these during their years at Halewood C of E School. They will encourage the children to use their God-given talents to be creative, inquisitive and explorative in preparation for a life of learning. We want to ensure that all children leave as well-rounded, kind and caring young people, living out Christian values.



  • Halewood University Programme – focusing on life skills and citizenship
  • A wide range of sporting opportunities/clubs for all children
  • Opportunities for all children to compete and represent the school
  • 3 Talk days per year for all year groups
  • School Choir visits and experiences
  • Mentoring opportunities – peer to peer and Year 6 mentors
  • Children leading in Collective Worship
  • Junior Leadership Team
  • A Team – Attendance Team
  • Aspirations Day – with visiting professionals inspiring around job opportunities
  • Bafta Bible Club
  • Picture News – current affairs and British Values
  • Visit different places of worship
  • World Faith Days
  • Child of Excellence – celebrating Christian values
  • Residential trip – Adventure and City Break
  • Fundraising opportunities throughout the year
  • Communicating with our sponsored child – Joel
  • Explore to Grow/use of outdoor environment
  • Perform on Stage
  • Speak in Church, read a prayer, do a Bible reading
  • Go Pond Dipping
  • Learn to swim
  • Meet an author
  • Play Leaders
  • Book Squad









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Contact Us

Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
