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Halewood Church of England Primary School home page

Halewood Church of England
Primary School


Impact of PSHE Curriculum


We aim to provide for the spiritual, emotional, physical, mental and social development of the whole child; this includes a growth in knowledge and understanding of self, and the world in which we live. We seek to foster self-esteem and a sense of responsibility to others and the world around.

We endeavour to support children in developing their confidence to share their own views and ask questions in a safe and supportive environment. We aim to nurture respectful citizens who have empathy and an understanding of people from different circumstances to their own; including different religions, cultures and families. Through the sharing of stories, visitors and teaching of British Values, children will have more awareness of diversity within the community, as well as family make-ups, to help prepare children for Modern Britain. 


Our school values: friendship, hope, forgiveness, thankfulness, responsibility and perseverance are the heart of what we do.


PSHE and RSE are delivered by class teachers although support from outside agencies, such as the school nurse, may be used in Upper Key Stage 2.  We ensure that the contribution of any outside professionals is integrated into the school’s overall programme, and their messages are consistent with the school’s Christian vision.


As with all curricular areas we encourage children to take an active role in their learning during PSHE and RSE sessions, and use a variety of approaches including whole class and small group discussions and role play.  We try to ensure an honest and balanced approach in the handling of any controversial issues.

Attributes of a Good PSHE Learner:


  • High self esteem
  • Self-regulation
  • Maintaining positive relationships
  • Aspiration and resilience
  • Assertiveness
  • Creativity
  • Tolerance and understanding of differences and similarities
  • Reflectiveness
  • Empathy

The Christian Values, our Christian Vision and our school ethos ‘Where children believe, achieve and succeed’ are the heart of what we do. The PSHE curriculum fosters and develops our learning attitudes as an integral part of our lessons.

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Contact Us

Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
