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Halewood Church of England Primary School home page

Halewood Church of England
Primary School


Impact of our EYFS curriculum

  • Happy and confident children who are keen to share their learning and interests.
  • Parents regularly share children’s home learning experiences or the development of school-initiated interests.
  • A passionate, motivated and committed team who see the uniqueness of every child and nurture their development.
  • A vocabulary rich environment where children have access to challenging language.
  • An excellent physical setting
  • Skilled practitioners who are creative and plan engaging experiences and topics.
  • Carefully planned enhancements to develop skills.
  • Staff who can enhance provision ‘in the moment’ to follow a child’s interest.
  • EYS leader and has a strong knowledge of the KS 1 and KS 2 curriculum, ensuring that the early years foundation stage create firm foundations of knowledge for National Curriculum subjects.
  • Early reading and phonics taught systematically and children have access to a variety of high-quality texts.
  • Early maths taught using models and images used in KS1 (WRM/NCETM).  Big focus on number and fluency with number. Reception children are given regular opportunities to reason.
  • Strong relationships with parents open door policy.  Parents use twitter to communicate learning at home or responses to home learning tasks.


Next Steps for our EYFS curriculum


How do we want to further improve/develop our EYFS curriculum?


  • Be prepared to meet the needs of children who may not have had much nursery and play group experience prior to starting at HCE due to Covid pandemic restrictions.
  • WOW enhancements to provide first hand exciting learning experiences
  • Physical development – Summer born boys – fine motor
  • CLL – high priority nationally and in Knowsley.


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Contact Us

Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
