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Halewood Church of England Primary School home page

Halewood Church of England
Primary School


Intent of our Early Years Curriculum


Ensuring the Best Start To R-A-I-S-E

Laying firm foundations for our School Curriculum


Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it.
                                                                                               Proverbs 22:6


Retention – Application – Inspiration – Success for Everyone


  • For each child to recognise their own unique individuality and celebrate differences
  • For children to feel safe, secure and develop their understanding of personal safety, behaving in ways that are safe
  • To provide broad and deep foundations (knowledge and skills) which form the secure building blocks for their future learning
  • For children to be confident, independent and active learners who play and explore whilst creating and thinking critically
  • For all children to be fluent, articulate communicators, effective listeners with an understanding of high-level vocabulary
  • For children to be able to understand and regulate their behaviour feelings and emotions
  • For children to build resilience and be able to reflect upon their learning experiences and contribute to their own next steps and progress
  • For children to experience a sense of awe and wonder throughout their early years
  • For each child to grow spiritually and morally and in a loving Christian environment
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Contact Us

Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
