Implementation of our History Curriculum
- A carefully sequenced history curriculum allows children to build on prior historical knowledge.
- Our History Curriculum is built around our school History Timeline.
- Topics have been sequenced based on the chronology of British History.
- Children also have the opportunity to study many Ancient Civilisations.
- Comparison lesson with topics covered in previous year groups are planned for. These enable children to constantly revisit and recap previous topics.
- Knowledge planners provide the structure to learning, specifying key knowledge and vocabulary that we want all children to be fluent with.
- Acting as a planning, teaching and assessment tool, the knowledge Planner makes it clear to teachers, pupils and parents what knowledge and vocabulary is expected to be learnt by the end of the unit and within lessons.
- Knowledge planners highlight outcomes through exit quizzes, allowing children, parents and teachers to monitor and assess their own learning.
- All topics will start and end with a bang – something special and exciting to hook children into the wonder of learning. Class trips and external visitors are planned and booked.
- A wide range of artefacts have been purchased to support learning. These are used regularly in history lessons to develop skills of historical enquiry.
- Mind maps are a central part of learning in history.
- Carefully planned exit tasks formatively assess learning and provide the opportunity for children to show what they know.
- Discrete history lessons take place.
- Children will have individual books for History and lessons will be blocked across the school.
- Key skills such as evaluation, reflection and investigation are developed across our History curriculum.
- Key attitudes are encouraged throughout learning. All learning is built around the 5Ps: pace, productivity, presentation, perseverance and progress.
- Critical thinking and problem solving are essential to learning across our curriculum. Lessons are planned in such a way that children can apply their knowledge in critical thinking/problem solving contexts.
- We use a SMARTER approach to lesson delivery in history. This is an approach that focuses on the retention and application of knowledge. (Start with a quiz, Map it, ask a big question, read the objective, engage, retention/application task.)
- History topics are linked to Christian values and the Bible where appropriate. Children are given the opportunity to reflect on learning and relate historical learning to Christian values.