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Halewood Church of England
Primary School

Reading for Pleasure

Waterstones Children's Laureate 2022-24

Joseph Coelho


What is the Waterstones Children’s Laureate?

The role of the Waterstones Children’s Laureate is an influential appointment awarded biennially to a renowned UK writer or illustrator of books for children, to celebrate their exceptional talent and to further the goals of the Laureateship through their own unique talents and approach.

The Waterstones Children's Laureate receives a bursary of £30,000 and a specially designed and inscribed silver medal.


For the next two years, Joseph Coelho will be holding this prestigious title.  In school we will be reading a set of poems from his 'Overheard in a Tower Block' book.



Our Reading Spine 2024



Author Visit Wednesday 16th March 2022

We were very fortunate to have a visit from a real life author today. Jack Knowles author of 'Positive Pea' came to school to share his story and to answer questions about being an author.

Mrs Davidson read the story (feeling the pressure with the author next to me) while Jack watched how the children responded. It was the first time he had heard his story read aloud. The children told Jack how they felt about his story. Adjectives included: great, fantastic, it made me sleepy (ie relaxed), brilliant, excellent, super... I think he was quite overwhelmed!

The children asked some super questions. They wanted to know why he chose a pea, how long it took to write the book and if he was going to write another book.

Jack is an advocate for positivity and mental health and has just been nominated for two National Diversity Awards this year, one of which is the 'Positive Role Model' award.

So many authors to choose from -

Storytime with Mrs Muir our Reading Governor

We are very lucky to enjoy storytime across the school with Mrs Muir our governor for reading.  So many lovely books to read.  Thank you Mrs Muir!

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Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
