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Halewood Church of England Primary School home page

Halewood Church of England
Primary School

Fathers' Story Week

Have you heard about FRED and ERIC???!!!


To celebrate Fathers' Story Week (June 15th to 19th) we would like to invite dads, granddads, uncles or big brothers to come in to school and read with your child.  FRED (Fathers Reading Every Day) is a super way to encourage children to read for pleasure.


We have two slots available each day: 9.00-9.20am and 2.40-3.00pm (a note with reply splip has been sent home).


Should you be unable to join us your child will still enjoy a book as Everyone (will be) Reading In Class = ERIC.  However, if you can "FRED" at home then send us a snap of you reading with your child via Twitter for our website! #getcaughtreading @halewoodcofe

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Contact Us

Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
