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Halewood Church of England
Primary School





Halewood Speed Limits


For your information I would like to draw to your attention to a proposal to reduce the speed limit on a number of roads within Halewood to 20mph.  The proposal to reduce the speed limit was advertised yesterday with a consultation period of 28 days therefore any comments need to be made by 4 October.


Please find attached a plan detailing the extents of the proposed 20mph zones on Hollies Road, Church Road, Wood Road and streets off these roads, the plan also shows the extents of the proposed 20mph speed limit on Cartbridge Lane.  (Please look at our community section for the plan as it cannot be attached here)


For your information a 20mph zone is self enforcing and must consist of a series of traffic calming measures, a 20mph speed limit only needs to consist of signs.


The 20mph zone will supplement the existing traffic calming measures and provide further information on the speed that vehicles should be travelling in a busy residential area.


It is proposed that the speed limit on Cartbridge Lane is reduced to 20mph due to how narrow it is and the geometry of the road.


It should be noted that in addition to the proposed 20mph zones and speed limits, false raised tables will be implemented at the school crossing patrol sites on Hollies Road and Church Road.  A false raised table is a psychological traffic calming feature that has the road markings of a raised table but does not have any vertical deflection.  For your information please find attached a screenshot showing an example of a false raised table in Huyton.  False raised tables are an effective way of reducing vehicular speed and highlighting the school crossing patrol whilst minimising disruption to residents.


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Contact Us

Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
