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Halewood Church of England
Primary School

Online Safety

Christmas is a magical time for children and we all like to get them the presents they want most; invariably these days that tends to be smart phones, tablet computers and games consoles.  All of these devices engage children in a stimulating interactive environment.  Used appropriately, they can be fun and beneficial to learning but used inappropriately they can be a risk to children.  All adults have a responsibility to support children to make the right choices when online and this is an appropriate time to point out some simple measures that can be applied at home.


Some tips for you to help keep your children safe online


  1. Consider locating your computer or mobile devices in a family area where children’s online activity can be monitored or supervised. 
  2. Talk to your child and ask them to show or even teach you how they use the internet and learn about websites or tools they like to use and why.
  3. Make sure your child knows it’s important that they tell an adult they trust if anything happens online that makes them feel scared, worried or uncomfortable.   
  4. Remind children that they should use the same caution online as they would in the real world.  Tell them they should never go to meet someone they have only spoken to online.
  5. Install antivirus software, secure your internet connection and use Parental Control functions for computers, mobile phones and games consoles to block unsuitable content or contact.
  6. Familiarise yourself with the age limits of social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, ooVoo, Instagram etc.  There’s an age limit in place for a reason, if you decide to allow your children on to these sites make sure you know how they can protect themselves when they are using them  – for example by knowing how to set appropriate privacy settings. 


Teaching eSafety is an importing part of keeping our children safe and we do this in school using age appropriate resources to demonstrate the risks and how to avoid them.  It is very important that children take these messages with them at the end of the school day and are supported when using technology at home.  Each and every adult has a responsibility to protect children and this includes protecting them when they are on line.  Below is a list of websites that you may find useful.


Websites to visit for more information – Visit the ‘Parent/ Carer’ section and use the ‘Click CEOP’ button to seek advice and report online abuse. – Advice, guidance and ‘Top Tips’ for both parents/ carer and children can be found on this site. – Visit the ‘Know It All’ Section for an interactive guide about online safety. – Free up to date Security advice including using complex passwords, privacy settings, safe searching and social networking


If you have an urgent concern about the safety of a child over the Christmas period the emergency contacts can be found on the Knowsley Council website


Wishing you and your family a very happy Christmas.



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Contact Us

Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
