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Halewood Church of England
Primary School

OUTSTANDING TEACHER PROGRAMME (What our guests had to say)

On 10th February 2015, Halewood CE hosted the Outstanding Teacher Programme.  We asked those in attendance to write comments in our Visitors Book.  We would like to share these with you.


"Nursery - Wow!  What an amazing class.  It's lovely to see such young children being challenged and enjoying being so independent.  Lovely staff who create a caring and safe learning environment."


"Reception:  I had a wonderful time visiting your classroom and thought your work on Chinese New Year was fantastic!  Your numeracy work was brilliant too!  Thank you for letting me visit."


"Year 1: We really enjoyed hearing about what you would "pop" in your cauldron.  Such high expectations and excellent learning".


"Year 2:  Thank you for making us feel so welcome in your colourful classroom.  We were so impressed with your fantastic maths work and "can" do ethos."


"Year 3:  Really enjoyed your class and positive attitude towards learning."


"Year 4: Your class were really engaged with what you were saying to them.  They responded well to your enthusiasm and the hard work you clearly put into your lessons.  Nice work!"


"Year 5: Thank you for allowing me into your lesson; your behaviour and levels of engagement were wonderful and you really showed your understanding of the features of persuasive texts.  Well done!"


"Year 6: In both groups it was lovely to see children so focused and well behaved.  The children obviously have an excellent attitude to learning! High expectations by the teachers! Thank you for inviting us in."



"Thank you so much for making us so welcome today.  The OTP delegates have found it very enjoyable and beneficial.  Can I just say how impressed I am with the attitude and behaviour of the pupils (especially Amy & Reece in Y6 who took me around, and told us all about the things they loved about school - lots of things!)  Thank you Dave and Vanessa for organising the timetabling etc and to all the other staff for letting us have a look around! Many thanks."


"Thank you - I've had a great morning.  Sam and Elise were amazing.  Everyone has been so kind and helpful.  Got lots of ideas to take back to school."



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Church Road, Halewood
Liverpool, L26 6LB

Telephone: 0151 487 5673
